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7 Advanced SEO Tricks to Improve Rankings

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7 Advanced SEO Tricks to Improve Rankings

If you want to optimize your website, for example, in Las Vegas, and asked an LV SEO Expertfor advice, you’ll likely get tips that you do not expect. It isn’t because search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns in Las Vegas is highly competitive.

The reason behind the unusual SEO tips from the Las Vegas SEO specialist is due to the constantly evolving Google ranking algorithms. The search engine giant has also started rewarding websites with higher ranking for a variety of factors including user experience and website infrastructure. The following are seven advanced SEO tricks and tips from experts to help you improve your page ranking.

Focus on High-Quality Content

Google has started rewarding websites for high-quality content. Gone are the days when SEO specialists try to stuff as many keywords within the content of the website. The search engine giant has recently announced that it is using RankBrain, which is a learning artificial intelligence (AI) that helps Google rate websites by observing several factors. Among these factors include high-quality content.

Break Up Your Text With Headers

Having high-quality content is one thing, but having a visually pleasing layout is another. One survey shows that most website visitors are more likely to scan an entire page before reading the article. So, instead of welcoming your visitors with a wall of text, break down your content with headers that your visitors can scan. Using high-quality pictures, graphics and video clips can also make your pages more visually appealing.

Keep Updating Your Content

Your content needs to stay current to remain relevant to your visitors. This will encourage them to return to your website and to share your content on their social media accounts. The external links on social media pages, as well as its number of shares, will do wonders to your page ranking.

Improve Overall User Experience

One of the factors that RankBrain observes in each website is “dwell time.” As the term implies, dwell time refers to how your page visitors stay on your pages. The longer they stay, the better it is for your page rank. This is another tip designed to make your website visitors stay longer.

Improve Page Loading Speeds

One study shows that around 40 percent of visitors to a website are likely to lose interest and move on to other websites if the page that they want to browse fails to load within three seconds. The percentage increases the longer it takes for the page to load. You can increase your page loading speeds by adjusting the size of your photos and graphics as well as improving the overall layout of the page.

Write Longer Blog Posts

Longer blog posts translate to longer dwell times for your visitors. Keep in mind that you need to keep your blog posts interesting to keep your readers interested and even engage them in a discussion.

Audit Your SEO Regularly

Conducting regular SEO audits on your website ensures that your website is working and performing like it is supposed to. SEO audits will also clue you in on problem areas that are causing your website to perform poorly. Auditing your SEO involves technical evaluation of your website’s accessibility and indexability, checking for Google penalties, offline and online audits and keyword evaluation.

The job of optimizing websites is so complex and involves so much more than the tricks mentioned here. This makes it essential that you only hire established SEO experts from reputable companies to help improve your website’s ranking.