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Category: Blog

IT Services Department

What are CI/CD services?

Many people when they hear ‘DevOps’ think of CI/CD (continuous integration / continuous delivery) pipelines and SDLC (software development lifecycle)automation. And they are right, as DevOps is all about streamlining the software development process due to total automation and CI/CD adoption. 

The use of growth hormone in bodybuilding

Any athlete or trainer will confirm that you will not be able to achieve a dynamic increase in muscle mass until the required concentration of substances with pronounced anabolic properties is in the blood. Under normal conditions, an endogenous hormone is responsible for muscle growth in the body, but with intense training, athletes try to increase…
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Tips for promotion on Instagram

You can go to your goal slowly and surely, using different approaches to promotion. Or you can achieve a leap in results by applying secret Instagram tricks, which we are happy to share. If you want the fastest results, you should buy instagram followers. But this is only part of the strategy, so you should…
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How energy resources are traded

Energy trading is a very interesting sector of the market, so you should pay attention to it and eventually come to certain quality results. At this stage, bidding can bring you a lot of quality benefits. Therefore, you need to join them and open all the opportunities that will be interesting for you in a…
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How to increase a man’s sexual desire

To increase again the sexual desire of her man, a woman in the first place, herself must first feel aroused, sexy and attractive person, and this means to look “one hundred percent” stunning. If additional stimulation is still needed, you can also purchase medication at https://svensktapotek.net/. General tips A gorgeous woman strikes with her presence…
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How to win at the slot machines: 5 simple ways

Playing online slots, you can not predict the result, but it is always possible to influence it. Online casinos offer a large selection of machines. You can play slot machines and get great winnings. If you want to increase the odds on the outcome of the game, try one of the easiest ways. If you…
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Training in CS:GO

Training in CS:GO is one of the most important roles in improving your own skill for any player. If a person does not train, but just constantly plays rating games in the hope that it will help him get into a professional team, we hasten to disappoint him – this result will not work. That…
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How to purchase energy resources through Prozorro

If you need to purchase certain energy resources, you should treat it as responsibly as possible. The fact is that the purchase of energy resources is currently quite interesting and you should definitely try to take everything possible out of this mechanism. In this article, we will take a closer look at the process of…
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Bidding for energy resources at electronic auctions

As soon as you have a real need for a system of natural gas trading, you should first start to learn more about this sector and get exactly the result that will be needed. Ultimately, this will help you solve certain problems and give you the opportunity to purchase the relevant benefits of modern bidding.

What Is a Web Development Company?

If you are looking for a web development company, there are many things to consider. First, make sure the company you are considering is transparent about the time frame it is planning to complete your project. You also want to know if the company can accommodate any delays that may occur during the implementation phase…
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