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Category: Blog

IT Services Department

The Case for Software Product Re-Engineering

Technology acceleration is nothing new. The concern is with businesses not matching up to it’s fast pace. It is not a secret that businesses need agile software to keep up with competition. Sadly, software systems do not remain young, and need to be renewed at set intervals.

Why Malware Prevention Should Be A Priority This Year

The internet has become such a daily part of everybody’s lives that it would be difficult to imagine life without it. On average, according to the Office for National Statistics, 89% of adults in Great Britain use the internet at least weekly, and so for hackers, it is like a goldmine.

Why It’s a Great Time to Learn Cloud Computing

Cloud computing would seem like a foreign thing to a lot of people nowadays but the fact is, it is one of the most important things to learn right now. It is a big deal when it comes to the world of technology and the Internet.

Tips For Running A Better Business

Your company may be getting by okay, but this type of mentality isn’t going to allow you to truly grow and expand over the years. There are a few specific tips you should know about that are going to help you run a better business so you can outshine your competitors.

How secure is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is a model of interaction over the Internet which involves convenient network access to a common fond of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and decommissioned with minimal effort for provider requests. Cloud services can include servers, virtual machines, data storage, environment for software development and deployment.  While a lot of…
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3 Digital Marketing Strategies That Work

Digital marketing trends come and go at an accelerating rate. It is difficult to keep up when what was performing well one day can decrease your rank in the search engine results pages (SERPs) the next because Google has released a new algorithm.

Best Data Management Tips for Small Businesses – How Remote DBA Expert can help you?

It is essential to make sure that all your data regarding the company are well organized to profit and prosper from it. For this purpose, a proper database management system is essential. There is different software which can help you regarding the management of the database and it is necessary to use them correctly to…
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How the Tech Revolution Transformed the Mortgage Market

Everything tech touches, it makes smarter. From the latest developments in the telecommunications to goal-line technology in football, the world around us has been improved by the latest tech innovations. With that being the case, it’s little surprise the financial world is embracing new, tech-forward ideas. Indeed, when money is on the line, banks and building…
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Why Every Business Needs a CRM Software

Let’s keep it real – your business is pretty replaceable. Chances are, there’s a competitor out there that offers the same services at a similar price. The only thing that actually sets you two apart is how much your customers like working with you.

7 Advanced SEO Tricks to Improve Rankings

If you want to optimize your website, for example, in Las Vegas, and asked an LV SEO Expertfor advice, you’ll likely get tips that you do not expect. It isn’t because search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns in Las Vegas is highly competitive.