The use of growth hormone in bodybuilding

Any athlete or trainer will confirm that you will not be able to achieve a dynamic increase in muscle mass until the required concentration of substances with pronounced anabolic properties is in the blood. Under normal conditions, an endogenous hormone is responsible for muscle growth in the body, but with intense training, athletes try to increase its amount. In bodybuilding, for this they practice the use of a synthesized analogue -somatotropin.
It is a pharmacological preparation for injection use and belongs to the category of recombined products of biochemical origin. This means that somatotropin is obtained artificially, synthesized under laboratory conditions, but in terms of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the amino acid chain, it is absolutely identical to the endogenous growth hormone. The composition includes 191 remnants (modified version – 192).
For some time, the product was used exclusively for medical purposes – for the treatment of atrophic disorders, chronic renal failure, joint diseases of various etiologies, hormonal problems in children and adults. Later, growth hormone found wide application in bodybuilding and strength sports, as the main anabolic drug for mass gain, drying, increasing endurance and strength, general strengthening and protection of the musculoskeletal system. Like all peptide – containing drugs, STH has immune-strengthening and rejuvenating properties, and the use of growth hormone in post-traumatic therapy and rehabilitation is simply irreplaceable. More details here:
This concludes our general acquaintance, further in the article we will talk about the use of growth hormone in bodybuilding.
Positive effects
In order to understand how growth hormone works, it is enough to remember the changes in the body during puberty. The pituitary gland and other glands affect all systems, but most of all on the musculoskeletal system – the volume of muscle tissue increases, structural changes in the skeleton are observed. The mechanism of action of growth hormone is similar, but the effect of taking synthetic growth hormone is more narrowly focused. The correct dosage of the drug and regular injections, combined with intense training, provide many benefits:
- anabolic activity – muscle growth;
- suppression of catabolism – the destruction of muscle fibers slows down;
- drying – reduction of subcutaneous fat;
- acceleration of metabolism and normalization of mineral metabolism in all cells;
- increase in strength indicators due to proper energy regulation ;
- strengthening of immunity due to accelerated synthesis of immunoglobulins, renewal of lymphocytes and macrophages;
- lowering blood cholesterol levels;
- improving the condition of the skin by accelerating the synthesis of collagen and other proteins;
- normalization of nitrogen balance;
- accelerated wound healing, quick recovery from injuries;
- strengthening the heart muscle and vascular walls;
- positive effect on the condition of joints and tendons;
- increased sex drive.
We have only briefly described the general mechanism of action of growth hormone; the benefits of using growth hormone largely depend on the regimen, dosage and duration of the course.
Why is growth hormone high in cost?
Proteins began to be synthesized back in the century before last, but the recombined human growth hormone appeared in its modern form only in 1981. Its beneficial properties aroused wide interest among physicians and athletes, but later the use of growth hormone in professional sports was banned. Source site:
Since then, the technology for the production of GH has practically not changed – the drug is synthesized from E. coli bacteria in bioengineering laboratories. The method is complex, time consuming and expensive, especially considering that the final product of production is subjected to the most thorough filtration.

Add to this the difficulties with licensing and certification – we get the high cost of producing growth hormone . Only the big pharmaceutical giants can afford to equip production lines, hire competent scientists, and enforce strict quality controls. The price tag of imported drugs really “bites”, but such products as Jintropin , Somatropin 191, Haygetropin , Ansomon and Kigtropin can boast of a high concentration of the active substance with maximum purification.
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Possible side reactions
As the main anabolic drug for bodybuilding, growth hormone is much safer than any known steroid. Nevertheless, there are side effects, but almost all the unpleasant consequences from taking growth hormone are associated with a violation of the dosage. By pobochki include: high blood pressure, hyperglycemia, bloating and swelling of the soft tissue. If the dose is exceeded significantly and repeatedly, then a sharp increase in blood glucose levels can even lead to depletion of the pancreas.
It should also be borne in mind that the dividing intake of somatotropin has a depressing effect on the conversion of thyroid hormones. Trainers and doctors strongly recommend getting tested and taking all the necessary tests in order to identify and minimize possible side effects in advance. But this rule applies to all sports pharmacology, not just hormonal drugs.